4th Anniversary Event


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4th Anniversary Whatsex item

Use for reply 4th Anniversary Whatsex message.

1. Special operations team

Well…this is a bit awkward.
Both Violet and Mina happen to be on a mission now…
What do we do now, Miss? We can’t keep waiting…
Oh~Here you are, Then I’ll wait for Billie to arrive before briefing you about this mission.
I’m coming~Hey~Giselle, have you joined the team for this mission as well?
Uh-hem…since everyone is here, let me explain the content of this mission.
To put it briefly, some students in the School City were injured for unknown reasons. According to the of the injured students, they were all attacked by a multi-tailed fox with white hair.
Yes, I suppose you have guessed it, senpai, it sounds exactly like Kaia after her seal has been broken…
To tell the truth, Kaia is a genius in a thousand years for our foxes, but something had happened that led to Kaia’s power being out of control.
The elders of the foxes worked together to catch the uncontrollable Kaia and sealed the uncontrolled energy in her body, thus solving the crisis.
Before Violet went on her mission, she found that the seal in Kaia was weakening, so she was originally going to take Kaia back to the fox village to enhance her seal after the mission, but the seal was breaking faster than she had expected.
With her seal broken, Kaia returned to her original looks with nine white tails. Unable to control her power, she roamed around in the School City, hurt a few students and disappeared.
So your mission this time is to bring Kaia back to the School City no matter what it takes. We have contacted the fox elders about the seal, so Violet will escort them to the School City in a bit.
Hm? So you are catching a demon? Not a ghost? It has nothing to do with me if it’s a demon, right?
Abby used the foxes’ secret technique to locate Kaia, showing that she’s in the old school building, so I asked you for help. The old school building in summer is a bit…
Ohh~So you want me to deal with the wild ghosts at the old school building~ If they dare come, I’ll beat them with my bat and make them cry.
So you’ll be the team leader of this mission.
Let’s go beat up some demons~

2. Corner with love

Humph! How boring. I don’t see a single ghost all this way. Come out!
I’m also worrying maybe Kaia is so out of control that she has “cleared” the old school building…
No way…Not even I’m capable of that. Is Kaia that good?
Back then, in the fox village, a few elders had to work together to get Kaia under control.
Senpai, stop shaking. Hold the torch steadily.
Actually, you don’t need to be too scared, senpai, although Kaia’s seal has been weakened, it has also limited her power to a great extent, I guess I should be able to defeat Kaia by joining hands with Billie now.
Oh…this! Senpai, I can sense Kaia…she’s at the next right turn.
H…help…! Woah!

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3. Be possessed

Hey~Aren’t you little Geneva? Why are you here~?
Ah…it’s so good to see you, I’m scared to death!
When I came to the old school building today, I found it was really silent. All my little friends were gone, and there was an unnerving atmosphere.
And then guess what happened? Just as I was looking for them everywhere, I accidentally got spotted by a really scary ghost, and it has been chasing me!
Nothing…I was just scared by its looks…
Right, did you see Kaia when you were running away? She’s also in the old school building.
Hm? Kaia? No…I haven’t seen any “person” today besides you.
Oh? What’s wrong, senpai? You are sweating all over! Is it hot?
Senpai, don’t wonder off too far. That scary ghost is probably nearby.
Don’t be scared~Nobody would dare approaching with me and Giselle here.
Geneva, I want to know more about the strangeness in the old school building. Can you tell me more?
Of course. Today I…

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4. Beauty Kaia

Ah! That’s the ghost that has been chasing me! It has been staring at my boobs for a while!
No wonder senpai would do such naughty things, it turns out he was possessed by a lewd ghost!
I say…isn’t senpai always into erotic stuff? It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with being possessed by a lewd ghost.
That’s true…
Take this!!! Take this! Humph! How dare you possess my senpai! You are going to die!
Woah…Billie is scarier than the ghost…I might as well leave…
Geneva, did you encounter this ghost right after you arrived at the old school building?
Well…no, I checked the left wing of the building first and couldn’t find my little friends at all, so I was planning to check the right wing, then I came across it on my way.
Speaking of which, it came from the right wing of the building!

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5. Come out in the wash

Phew, seal enhancement, complete. It’s a good thing we discovered it early, or the nine-tailed fox would be out of control again.
Eh…why are there so many people…where am I…?
You are finally awake! Kaia, you have been asleep for three days!
For three days…but I have no recollection of it…
Do you remember that you have been out of control?
I do…I tried so hard to control the nine-tailed fox, but still…
Are the injured people still alright?
Don’t worry, they are fine now. But why would the nine-tailed fox go to the old school building?
Old school building? I don’t know what you are talking about…what’s the old school building…?
I heard that Giselle found you at the old school building! You have changed to your original form by that time, and you were sound asleep.
Ehhh? I remember…the nine-tailed fox teleported to the woods, at that time, I seized the opportunity to get the control of my body back, and to control the nine tailed fox. Then I fell asleep under the tree from exhaustion.
So is it possible that the nine tailed fox controlled your body again and went to the old school building?
That’s very unlikely…because Kaia had used a temporary spell to seal the nine tailed fox, that’s why when you found her, she was in her original form, not the nine tailed fox.
C-could it be that you have remembered it wrong, Kaia~? You have had moments when you switched consciouness and did not sync your memories!
But Mina, I don’t even know there’s an old school building at school…!
Then how the hell…
Giselle, didn’t you say there was a ghost? Could it be that the ghost had carried Kaia to the old school building?
But according to the ghost, it was Kaia who occupied its room and beated it up.
This whole thing is becoming a “Rashoumon” event…
Hey…isn’t this Kaia? I never knew you had a habit to sleep under trees…
Nydia, Kaia was feeling unwell and collapsed under the tree! Sorry…Kaia, are you alright? Feeling any better?
Thank you, I’m much better now…Nydia, you just said you saw me sleeping under the tree, could it be…
I saw you under a tree near the old school building~hehe~
In fact, we have been going to the old school building every week for soul transcendence and communication with spirits, and it so happened that three days ago when we were on our way to the old school building, we came across Kaia, who had collapsed under a big tree.
She didn’t look so well, so we worked together to carry her to the right wing of the old school building.
What do you mean she didn’t look well? When there were ghosts approaching her, her body emitted white light and fought them off…she was perfectly fine.
It seems the mystery has been solved.
It’s true that you shouldn’t…touch the ghosts…you’d get into trouble every time…
Alright, alright! It’s fine if nothing serious happened! Kaia is awake, the nine tailed fox is sealed again, perfectly solved!


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