Stranded Semen: Secrets Unleashed with Senpai


Elva, a phantom thief known as “”Catwoman,”” aims to acquire the genetic material of highly intelligent individuals. This mission has the sole objective to create an ideal leader for her organization. Following a successful heist, she encounters Senpai, who has just arrived and accidentally spills the acquired sperm she collected.

Parallel event

Complete 6 relationship with Elva to win tons of rewards and unlock her exclusive 4 H-CGs and 1 Sex-video.

Strategy tips

  • Gem consumption required.
  • Recommended to use 5 +3000 items at level.1
  • Wrong choice can be fatal.

Level.0   Likability1000

Conversation only

Level.1   Likability15710

Assistant Level 1

  2hr   Sofia’s Mints +24/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 48

Required points.

  550 = 23hr00min

Date1   25P    +500

What am I stealing?

    A. Vaccine

  〇 B. Semen

    C. Virus

Date2   25P    +500

What is this place?

    A. The stronghold of H-organization

  〇 B. Sperm donation center

Date3   50P    +980

What is my tail for?

    A. For decoration

  〇 B. For detection

Date4   50P    +980

My outfit is…

    A. Special force

  〇 B. Bandit

Date5   150P   +4000

My tail can’t detect you means…

    A. I’m as harmless as a bug

  〇 B. I’m not a threat

    C. I don’t have malicious intention

Date6   250P   +6000

I won’t tell you why I am stealing semen because…

  〇 A. I’m a stranger

    B. This is your organization’s secret

Level.2   Likability27500

Assistant Level 1

  2hr   Sofia’s Mints +24/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 48

Required points.

  532 = 22hr10min

Date1   25P    +500

What organization am I a member of?

    A. L-organization

    B. M-organization

  〇 C. H-organization

Date2   27P    +500

In this organization, I am…

    A. Head

    B. Officer

  〇 C. Core member

Date3   60P    +1040

What’s my name?

    A. Elva

    B. AI Elva

  〇 C. Bandit El

Date4   165P   +3000

In this town, our organization is…

  〇 A. Very active

    B. Famous

Date5   255P   +6000

Why did I say that you don’t watch the news?

  〇 A. Because I’ve never heard of

      your organization

    B. Because I don’t know what

      H-organization is

Level.3   Likability44250

Assistant Level 2

  4hr   Sofia’s Mints +30/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 120

Required points.

  820 = 27hr20min

Date1   25P    +500

What does your outfit look similar to in our world?

    A. Soldier

  〇 B. Student

Date2   25P    +500

What am I going to tell you?

    A. Your measurements

    B. Your age

  〇 C. Your mission

Date3   110P   +2000

I don’t believe you are from another world?

  〇 A. Yes

    B. No

Date4   220P   +4000

My organization wants to create…

    A. A good leader

  〇 B. A leader that can guide the world

Date5   440P   +8000

I find myself…

  〇 A. Capable

    B. Amazing

Level.4   Likability80200

Assistant Level 2

  4hr   Sofia’s Mints +30/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 120

Required points.

  1540 = 51hr20min

Date1   30P    +600

What kind of people do I think are qualified to be leaders?

    A. Look pretty

  〇 B. Have a ‘heart’ that understands

      other people

    C. Have power

Date2   30P    +600

My mission is…

  〇 A. Stealing the semen of highly

      educated people

    B. Destroy this place

Date3   50P    +1000

Which month was I born in…

  〇 A. June

    B. December

Date4   110P   +2000

You said you are also…

  〇 A. Highly educated people

    B. Highly intelligent people

    C. Bandits

Date5   110P   +2000

What’s my birth date?

  〇 A. 12th

    B. 6th

Date6   165P   +3000

What’s the goal of our organization?

  〇 A. To build a better world

    B. To let the best people rule

      this world

Date7   165P   +3000

You said the Elva you know is…

  〇 A. AI

    B. Artificial intelligence

Date8   220P   +4000

My breast measurement is…

  〇 A. 34 Inches

    B. 113 cm

Date9   220P   +4000

In my missions…

  〇 A. Never failed

    B. Never missed

Date10  440P   +13000

If I go back empty-handed this time, people in my organization will be…

    A. Disappointed in me

  〇 B. Very disappointed in me

Level.5   Likability 123270

Assistant Level 3

  6hr   Sofia’s Mints +42/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 252

Required points.

  2215 = 52hr50min


Date1   110P   +2020

You keep staring at my…

    A. Eyes

  〇 B. Butt

    C. Breasts

Date2   125P   +2300

The zip of this outfit

    A. Can unzip and reveal pussy

  〇 B. Convenient to have sex

    C. Can make love without taking the

      whole thing off

Date3   220P   +4000

Am I an easy girl?

  〇 A. No

    B. Absolutely not

Date4   220P   +4000

I’m fit because…

  〇 A. You train normally

    B. You have to train normally to

      keep fit

Date5   460P   +8400

Why can’t you hold back when you see my body?

    A. Because you are super fit

  〇 B. Because you are the type

      I’m looking for

Date6   460P   +8400

My butt measurement is…

  〇 A. 32 Inches

    B. 106 cm

Date7   620P   +11200

Everyone in my organization…

    A. Trust my judgement

  〇 B. Trust me

Level.6   Likability 195000

Assistant Level 4

  7hr   Sofia’s Mints +54/hr

        Max Sofia’s Mints 378

Required points.

  3780 = 70hr00min

Date1   210P   +3800

How can we go back?

  〇 A. Zip line

    B. By climbing the water pipe

Date2   220P   +4000

My height?

  〇 A. 167 cm

    B. 5.4 Inches

Date3   590P   +10790

My sensitive spot is…

  〇 A. Butt

    B. Feet

Date4   590P   +10790

I think making love here is…

    A. Very thrilling

  〇 B. Very exciting

Date5   690P   +12600

My weight?

  〇 A. 50 kg

    B. 110 lb

Date6   690P   +12600

Do I want to have sex with you here?

  〇 A. Yes

    B. Absolutely

Date7   790P   +14400

Are you going to finish after once?

  〇 A. Of course not

    B. It won’t be this little


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  • 1. me

    thank you!!!

    …Level1 > Date7 > B ???
